
The vocational training and education market

The advancement of the digital transformation, increasing mobility, and societal change are presenting companies and educational institutions with new challenges. It is now essential to balance the conflicting priorities of politics, public and private educational institutions, and employers while continuing to develop and grow as an organisation.

Various aspects of the process of cultural change must also be focused on within organisations and with the respective target market in mind. These new ideas also offer new opportunities that the service offering must be oriented towards. The growing number of students and the shortage of specialists is forcing organisations to change the content of their offering, while new learning trends, such as self-organised learning and gamification, offer new didactic opportunities.

ProAct works in various specialist areas and roles – from project management and ICT to communication, our service offering meets all your needs.

Thanks to our many years of experience in various areas of education and training, ProAct is your ideal partner to tackle the upcoming challenges. You can benefit from our broad range of best practices in project management, organisational development and (digital) transformation.

ProAct proof of experience

  • Providing support with the strategy and organisational development process
  • Defining organisational identity and repositioning
  • Refining performance mandates and service offerings
  • Evaluating new collaboration models for market participants
  • Developing a digital vision and IT and digital strategies, as well as support with transformation processes
  • Providing project management for the implementation of new ICT systems
  • Providing and moderating exchange platforms for vocational education and training
  • Hosting workshops for future topics (innovation lab)
  • Implementing models and systems for talent scouting and career advice
  • Coaching and advising for vocational education and training
«ProAct assists us with the management of our change processes and provides targeted, reliable and discreet support with organisational development projects.»

Francis Kaeser, Head of Financial Coordination, Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education, EDK

Numerous institutions rely on ProAct’s experience:

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We would be happy to provide you with further information about our range of services as well as our industry expertise:

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CH-3011 Bern

+41 31 313 07 07

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