
The public sector and public institutions

There are many challenges confronting public administrative bodies as well as federal, cantonal and municipal authorities and public institutions: just a few of the key requirements include needing to use a lean, effective and transparent organisation to deliver high-quality service under conditions of ongoing cost pressure. ProAct is intimately familiar with what it means to deal with challenges that arise from numerous mandates.

Development of service delivery – with a focus on quality, efficiency and transparency

Environmental conditions that are constantly changing and growing expectations on the part of the general population in regard to the public sector are prompting its institutions to call into question existing structures and processes, to make them transparent and to continuously optimise them.

This is precisely where ProAct can play a role by supporting you in scrutinising your strategic orientation, validating your existing range of services against the backdrop of the expectations of your customers and the defined performance mandates, the rapid advancement of the digital transformation and the role of the institution with regard to the social, political and economic environment.

ProAct proof of experience

  • Facilitating and accompanying strategy development processes
  • Support in organisational, business unit or corporate/institutional development, including change management processes and communication
  • Review and development of processes and structures, including optimisation of interfaces and elimination of media discontinuities
  • Coaching and support for decision-makers, individuals, teams and groups
  • Conducting site assessments, SWOT analyses and feasibility studies
  • Validating and determining actual and target states of task portfolios
  • Creating, adapting and implementing operational concepts and action plans
  • Assuming responsibility for project and sub-project management as well as for project office activities

Numerous institutions rely on ProAct’s experience:

Your contacts for questions and personal information

We would be happy to provide you with further information about our range of services as well as our industry expertise:

Wasserwerkgasse 27
CH-3011 Bern

+41 31 313 07 07

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